Code Context ),
$key = 'default_sr'
$value = array(
'LC_MESSAGES' => array(
'%s' => '',
'// Set the template for' => '',
'API methods' => '',
'Account management' => '',
'Acl table refreshed.' => '',
'Aco' => '',
'Acos' => '',
'Action' => '',
'Actions' => '',
'Add field' => '',
'Add new' => '',
'Admin Tools' => '',
'Administration access' => '',
'After you have uploaded the config.php file, use the information below to login' => '',
'Alias' => '',
'Allowed extensions' => '',
'Alternative content' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete' => '',
'Are you sure you want to delete system log?' => '',
'Arguments' => '',
'Aro' => '',
'Aros' => '',
'Aros Aco' => '',
'Aros Acos' => '',
'Asceding' => '',
'Assets folder writtable' => '',
'Association' => '',
'Available fields' => '',
'Backend' => '',
'Backup folder is not writable' => '',
'Backup folder writtable' => '',
'Before you can login, you must download configuration file and save it as app/Config/config.php:' => '',
'Big integer' => '',
'Block' => '',
'Blocks' => '',
'Body' => '',
'Bookmark' => '',
'Bookmarks' => '',
'Cache cleared' => '',
'Cannot delete active language' => '',
'Cannot delete default language' => '',
'Case' => '',
'Case Creation Date' => '',
'Case Modification Date' => '',
'Case Number' => '',
'Case Status' => '',
'Case Year' => '',
'Categories' => '',
'Change password' => '',
'Checked by default' => '',
'Choose new or existing newsletter as template' => '',
'Clear cache' => '',
'Click here to install this awesome tool' => '',
'Click here to populate with random records.' => '',
'Click to edit your profile' => '',
'Colapse' => '',
'Collapse' => '',
'Collapse all' => '',
'Comment' => '',
'Commented on' => '',
'Comments' => '',
'Config' => '',
'Configuration' => '',
'Congratulations' => '',
'Consultation, design and develpment' => '',
'Contents' => '',
'Controller Action' => '',
'Counter' => '',
'Create a copy' => '',
'Create and download MySQL dump file?' => '',
'Criminal Act' => '',
'Criminal Case' => '',
'Custom' => '',
'Custom entry' => '',
'Customization' => '',
'Customize view' => '',
'Dashboard' => '',
'Data' => '',
'Database' => '',
'Database access' => '',
'Database administration cannot be accessed at this time' => '',
'Database dump' => '',
'Date and time' => '',
'Default language cannot be deactivated.' => '',
'Delete' => '',
'Delete failed' => '',
'Delete failed.' => '',
'Delete log' => '',
'Delete successful' => '',
'Desc' => '',
'Descending' => '',
'Details' => '',
'Dictionary' => '',
'Dictionary is empty' => '',
'Dictionary updated' => '',
'Directories' => '',
'Domain' => '',
'Download config.php' => '',
'Došlo je do problema, molimo pokušajte sa registracijom kasnije' => '',
'Dropdown list' => '',
'E-mail address' => '',
'Edit' => '',
'Edit 404 page' => '',
'Edit module' => '',
'Edit profile' => '',
'Edit template' => '',
'Edit the original' => '',
'Editing module of this size is not considered stable, please contact technical support' => '',
'Element' => '',
'Elements' => '',
'Email nije u dobrom formatu' => '',
'Email template' => '',
'Error creating backup dir, check permissions.' => '',
'Error creating backup file' => '',
'Error creating target dir, check permissions.' => '',
'Error occurred, please check template' => '',
'Error!' => '',
'Exception' => '',
'Expand' => '',
'Expand all' => '',
'FK mora biti broj' => '',
'Failed' => '',
'Father Fk' => '',
'Father Module' => '',
'Feed log' => '',
'Field' => '',
'Field type' => '',
'Fieldnames must be unique within module' => '',
'File' => '',
'Filename' => '',
'Files' => '',
'Files without extension cannot be uploaded' => '',
'Filesize' => '',
'Filetype not allowed' => '',
'Flash' => '',
'Foreign Key' => '',
'Form not set as multipart' => '',
'Format' => '',
'From field' => '',
'Frontend' => '',
'Full Name' => '',
'Full name' => '',
'Group' => '',
'Groups' => '',
'Has Details' => '',
'Has Many' => '',
'Has One' => '',
'Hash' => '',
'Hide Filter' => '',
'History' => '',
'Host' => '',
'Icon' => '',
'Id' => '',
'Id String' => '',
'Image' => 'Slika',
'Ime modela mora imati bar jedan karakter' => '',
'Inactive language cannot be set as a default one' => '',
'Include just date' => '',
'Insert' => '',
'Integer' => '',
'Intellex d.o.o.' => '',
'Intellex is proud to welcome you to the Vector CMS' => '',
'Invalid id supplied' => '',
'Ip Address' => '',
'Is Admin Only' => '',
'Is Archive' => '',
'Is Category' => '',
'Is Default' => '',
'Is Hardcoded' => '',
'Is Popup' => '',
'Is Visible' => '',
'Javascript' => '',
'Javascripts' => '',
'Key' => '',
'Keyword' => '',
'Količina mora biti broj' => '',
'Language' => '',
'Languages' => '',
'Last modified' => '',
'Last word cannot be id or set' => '',
'Layout' => '',
'Layouts' => '',
'Leave dictionary without saving changes?' => '',
'Leave this page without saving?' => '',
'Link' => '',
'List all' => '',
'List bookmarks' => '',
'List groups' => '',
'List modules' => '',
'List uploads' => '',
'Live Element' => '',
'Live Elements' => '',
'Live Javascript' => '',
'Live Javascripts' => '',
'Live Layout' => '',
'Live Layouts' => '',
'Live Stylesheet' => '',
'Live Stylesheets' => '',
'Live Template' => '',
'Live Templates' => '',
'Locale' => '',
'Log' => '',
'Log Detail' => '',
'Log Details' => '',
'Log Feed' => '',
'Log Feeds' => '',
'Log deleted' => '',
'Login failed. Unrecognized username or misstyped password.' => '',
'Logs' => '',
'Mail sending done.' => '',
'Mail sending failed for all receipent.' => '',
'Maintenance' => '',
'Manual ordering' => '',
'Maximum filesize is limited to' => '',
'Maximum length' => '',
'Meta Keywords' => '',
'Mimetype' => '',
'Model' => '',
'Module' => '',
'Module Connection' => '',
'Module Connections' => '',
'Module Manager' => '',
'Module is connected to another module' => '',
'Module name cannot be empty' => '',
'Modules' => '',
'Multilingual' => '',
'Multiple edit' => '',
'Multiple uploads' => '',
'Na Vašu e-mail adresu je poslat nov email' => '',
'Na Vašu e-mail adresu je poslata Vaša nova šifra' => '',
'Named Params' => '',
'New' => '',
'Newsletter' => '',
'Newsletter Name' => '',
'Newsletters' => '',
'Next' => '',
'Nije pronađen nijedan korisnik sa tim podacima' => '',
'Niste uneli ispravnu staru šifru' => '',
'Niste uneli sve podatke.' => '',
'No' => '',
'No groups have been found' => '',
'No history for this item' => '',
'No records found' => '',
'No records have been found, please refine your search.' => '',
'No sorting' => '',
'No uploads have been found' => '',
'No word matches your filter criteria' => '',
'Number' => '',
'Number of failed:' => '',
'OK' => '',
'Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed in module name' => '',
'Only alphanumerical characters and spaces are allowed in fieldname' => '',
'Only letters allowed for argument name. Use commas to separate them.' => '',
'Open in new tab' => '',
'Operation not supported' => '',
'Options' => '',
'Order' => '',
'Overview' => '',
'Ovo polje je obavezno' => '',
'Owned By' => '',
'PIB mora biti celobrojan' => '',
'Page' => '',
'Page title' => '',
'Pages' => '',
'Paginate' => '',
'Pass' => '',
'Passed Data' => '',
'Password' => '',
'Password changed. Please change password to one that you will remember' => '',
'Password recovery' => '',
'Password:' => '',
'Path' => '',
'Person' => '',
'Person Type' => '',
'Please check data' => '',
'Please choose coordinates with left click' => '',
'Please enter integer value in this field' => '',
'Please select at least one field' => '',
'Please select receivers first' => '',
'Please specify fieldname' => '',
'Please supply a valid email address' => '',
'Please try again later :)' => '',
'Please use only alphanumerical characters and spaces for separating extensions' => '',
'Please wait...' => '',
'Polyglot tables refreshed.' => '',
'Populate module' => '',
'Position' => '',
'Possible values' => '',
'Post Data' => '',
'Predefined' => '',
'Prepare newsletter' => '',
'Previous' => '',
'Proceed' => '',
'Proceed to login' => '',
'Prosecutor Office' => '',
'Publish' => '',
'Push Subscriber' => '',
'Push Subscribers' => '',
'Read' => '',
'Receivers' => '',
'Recovery Hash' => '',
'Refresh aco' => '',
'Registration Key' => '',
'Registry Book' => '',
'Release date' => '',
'Remember me on this computer' => '',
'Remove' => '',
'Repair polyglot' => '',
'Repair table' => '',
'Required' => '',
'Reset password' => '',
'SEO' => '',
'Save' => '',
'Save module' => '',
'Save profile' => '',
'Settings' => '',
'Shorten title' => '',
'Show Filter' => '',
'Show category details' => '',
'Show debug information ( sec)' => '',
'Show if false' => '',
'Show if true' => '',
'Show languages' => '',
'Sign in' => '',
'Site is under construction' => '',
'Site name' => '',
'Some records could not have been deleted' => '',
'Son Fk' => '',
'Son Module' => '',
'Sort' => '',
'Status' => '',
'String' => '',
'Style' => '',
'Stylesheet' => '',
'Stylesheets' => '',
'Succedded' => '',
'Summary' => '',
'System log' => '',
'Table Prefix' => '',
'Table name is already used by another entity' => '',
'Table repaired.' => '',
'Template' => '',
'Template bad' => '',
'Templates' => '',
'Temporally password has been sent to' => '',
'Temporaly directories' => '',
'The module has been populated with test data' => '',
'The record could not have been saved, please try again' => '',
'The record has been successfully saved.' => '',
'The records have been successfully saved' => '',
'The supplied e-mail address is not registered on this domain' => '',
'The system logs are empty' => '',
'There are no records for this module in the database.' => '',
'There is a app/Config/config.php file present. If you want to reinstall CMS, please delete this file.' => '',
'There was an error updating dictionary, please try again' => '',
'There was en error:' => '',
'This is a system keyword and cannot be used as a fieldname' => '',
'This is a system keyword and cannot be used as a module name' => '',
'This location cannot be accessed directly' => '',
'This module does not support populate function' => '',
'This name is already used by another module' => '',
'This record has been deleted' => '',
'This record is active' => '',
'This record is inactive' => '',
'This {$singular} is not translated to any language' => '',
'Thumbs folder writtable' => '',
'Timestamp' => '',
'Title Short' => '',
'Toggle navigation' => '',
'Token' => '',
'Tools' => '',
'Translated to' => '',
'True / False' => '',
'Truncate to' => '',
'Type' => '',
'Uneti podaci ne odgovaraju nijednom korisniku u našoj bazi. Molimo pokušajte opet.' => '',
'Unešene šifre se ne poklapaju' => '',
'Uni Criminal Act' => '',
'Uni Criminal Acts' => '',
'Uni Person' => '',
'Uni Person Act' => '',
'Uni Person Acts' => '',
'Uni Person Status' => '',
'Uni Persons' => '',
'Uni Prosecution Case' => '',
'Uni Prosecution Cases' => '',
'Uni Prosecutor Office' => '',
'Uni Prosecutor Offices' => '',
'Unique ID' => '',
'Unique slug' => '',
'Unknown error occured, please try again in a few minutes' => '',
'Unknown field type' => '',
'Unknown upload error' => '',
'Update' => '',
'Update password' => '',
'Upload' => '',
'Upload folder writtable' => '',
'Uploads' => '',
'Uploads restored from the database.' => '',
'Url Target' => '',
'Usage log' => '',
'Use Table' => '',
'Use rich-text editor' => '',
'User' => '',
'Username' => '',
'Username or password are incorrect' => '',
'Username: admin' => '',
'Users' => '',
'Uspešno ste se registrovali. Šifra je poslata na Vašu email adresu' => '',
'Uspešno ste se ulogovali kao' => '',
'Value' => '',
'Vaš komentar je sačuvan. U narednih 24h biće pregledan od strane administratora.' => '',
'Vaš komentar nije sačuvan, molimo pokušajte kasnije' => '',
'Vector CMS' => '',
'Već postoji korisnik sa tim email-om u našoj bazi.' => '',
'View categories' => '',
'View comments' => '',
'View details' => '',
'Wrapper' => '',
'Write' => '',
'Year' => '',
'Yes' => '',
'You cannot deactivate language that you are using.' => '',
'You have already downloaded the file, or the session has expired' => '',
'You must define at least one option' => '',
'You need to enter at least one field' => '',
'Your profile could not have been saved' => '',
'Your profile has been saved' => '',
'Your session has expired. Please sign in again.' => '',
'` element. So do not use this method inside an existing form.
* Instead you should add a submit button using FormHelper::submit()
* ### Options:
* - `data` - Array with key/value to pass in input hidden
* - `method` - Request method to use. Set to 'delete' to simulate HTTP/1.1 DELETE request. Defaults to 'post'.
* - `confirm` - Can be used instead of $confirmMessage.
* - `inline` - Whether or not the associated form tag should be output inline.
* Set to false to have the form tag appended to the 'postLink' view block.
* Defaults to true.
* - `block` - Choose a custom block to append the form tag to. Using this option
* will override the inline option.
* - Other options are the same of HtmlHelper::link() method.
* - The option `onclick` will be replaced.
* @param string $title The content to be wrapped by' => '',
'` tag with a surrounding `' => '',
'` that submits via POST.
* This method creates a `' => '',
'by' => '',
'click to clear again' => '',
'delete' => '',
'deleted' => '',
'deleted this item' => '',
'empty' => '',
'insert' => '',
'inserted new' => '',
'inserted this item' => '',
'inside)*?' => '',
'lost your password?' => '',
'no language' => '',
'of mobile and web applications' => '',
'phpMyAdmin' => '',
'phpinfo()' => '',
'remove field' => '',
'show more' => '',
'sign out' => '',
* @param string|array $url Cake-relative URL or array of URL parameters, or external URL (starts with http://)
* @param array $options Array of HTML attributes.
* @param boolean|string $confirmMessage JavaScript confirmation message.
* @return string An `' => '',
* @param string|array $url Cake-relative URL or array of URL parameters, or external URL (starts with http://)
* @param array $options Array of options and HTML attributes.
* @param string $confirmMessage JavaScript confirmation message.
* @return string An `' => '',
'undelete' => '',
'update' => '',
'updated' => '',
'updated this item' => '',
'upload' => '',
'Šifra je uspešno promenjena' => '',
'. je objavljen jedan bilten i njegov opis možete videti u tekstu iznad.' => '',
'11000 Belgrade, Republic of Serbia' => '11000 Beograd, Republika Srbija',
'Address' => '',
'Annoucements' => 'Najave događaja',
'Announcement' => 'Najava',
'Announcements' => 'Najave događaja',
'Apr' => 'Apr',
'Aug' => 'Avg',
'Breadcrumbs' => '',
'Broj' => 'Broj',
'Broj osoba' => '',
'Broj predmeta' => '',
'Bulletin' => 'Bilten',
'Bulletin archive' => 'Arhiva biltena',
'Bulletins' => 'Bilteni',
'Category' => 'Kategorija',
'Contact' => '',
'Contact Form' => 'Kontakt forma',
'Contact Forms' => 'Kontakt forme',
'Contact phone' => 'Kontakt telefon',
'Contact phone:' => 'Kontakt telefon:',
'Contacts' => '',
'Content' => 'Sadržaj',
'Copyright' => '',
'Corruption Form' => 'Forma za prijavu korupcije',
'Corruption Forms' => 'Forma za prijavu korupcije',
'Corruption form' => '',
'Created' => 'Kreirano',
'Created By' => 'Kreirao',
'Date' => 'Datum',
'Dec' => 'Dec',
'Department Activities' => 'Aktivnosti odeljenja',
'Description' => 'Opis',
'Do' => '',
'Document' => 'Dokument',
'Documents' => 'Dokumenta',
'Dokumenta' => '',
'Download PDF' => 'Preuzmite PDF',
'Došlo je do greške, molimo pokušajte malo kasnije' => '',
'E-mail' => '',
'E-mail adresa nije u dobrom formatu' => '',
'ENG' => '',
'Email' => '',
'Email adress' => 'E-mail adresa',
'Email:' => '',
'End' => 'Kraj',
'Events' => 'Događaji',
'Fax' => '',
'Fax:' => '',
'Feb' => 'Feb',
'Fight against the corruption' => 'Borba protiv korupcije',
'First and last name' => 'Ime i prezime',
'Footer' => '',
'Footers' => '',
'From' => 'Od',
'Front Link' => '',
'Front Links' => '',
'FrontLinks' => '',
'Galerija' => '',
'Gallery' => 'Galerija',
'Header' => '',
'Homepage' => '',
'Is Active' => 'Aktivno',
'Is Deleted' => 'Obrisano',
'Is Translated' => 'Prevedeno',
'Izabrana kategorija ne postoji.' => '',
'Izabrane godine je objavljen jedan bilten i njegov opis možete videti u tekstu iznad' => '',
'Jan' => 'Jan',
'Jul' => 'Jul',
'Jun' => 'Jun',
'Kategorija je obavezna' => '',
'Krivično delo' => '',
'LAT' => '',
'Last events' => 'Poslednji događaji',
'Latest News' => 'Najnovije vesti',
'Latest statements' => 'Najnovija saopštenja',
'Link Class' => '',
'Mar' => 'Mar',
'May' => 'Maj',
'Message' => 'Poruka',
'Meta' => '',
'Meta Description' => '',
'Meta Keyword' => '',
'Meta Title' => '',
'Modified' => 'izmenjeno',
'Modified By' => 'Izmenio',
'Molimo unesite Vaše ime' => '',
'Molimo unesite datum' => '',
'Molimo unesite ime' => '',
'Molimo unesite ispravan kod' => '',
'Molimo unesite link' => '',
'Molimo unesite naslov' => '',
'Molimo unesite opis' => '',
'Molimo unesite poruku' => '',
'Molimo unesite tekst' => '',
'Nalazite se ovde:' => '',
'Name' => 'Ime',
'Ne postoji nijedna vest u kategoriji' => '',
'Nemanjina 22-26' => '',
'News' => 'Vesti',
'NewsTab' => '',
'Newsletter subscription' => 'Prijava za email bilten',
'Nov' => 'Nov',
'Oct' => 'Okt',
'Od' => '',
'Ordering' => 'Sortiranje',
'Parametri pretrage' => '',
'Partner' => 'Partner',
'Partners' => 'Partneri',
'Phone' => 'Telefon',
'Phone:' => '',
'Početna' => '',
'Press Search' => '',
'Prikaži' => '',
'Proveravam podatke' => '',
'Published' => 'Objavljeno',
'Quick Link' => 'Korisni linkovi',
'Quick Links' => 'Korisni linkovi',
'Quick contact form' => 'Kontakt forma',
'Quick links' => 'Korisni linkovi',
'QuickLinks' => '',
'Reccomended' => 'Preporučujemo',
'Recent activities' => 'Skorašnje aktivnosti',
'Recomended' => 'Preporučujemo',
'Recommended' => 'Preporučujemo',
'Report Corruption' => 'Prijavite korupciju',
'Report corruption anonimously' => 'Prijavite korupciju anonimno',
'Republic Public Prosecutors Office' => 'Kabinet Republičkog Tužioca',
'Rezultati' => '',
'Secretary:' => 'Sekretar',
'Secretery' => '',
'Send message' => 'Pošaljite poruku',
'Sep' => 'Sep',
'Side Link' => '',
'Side Links' => '',
'SideLinks' => '',
'Slug' => '',
'Source' => 'Izvor',
'Start' => 'Početak',
'Subject' => 'Naslov',
'Subscribe Form' => '',
'Subscribe Forms' => '',
'Sve aktivnosti' => '',
'Svi' => '',
'Text' => '',
'The Departement for International Cooperation Internatinal Legel Aid' => 'Odeljenje za međunarodnu saradnju i pravnu pomoć',
'The Office of Prosecutor and all Departements' => 'Kabinet i sva odeljenja',
'The Spokesperson of the Republic Public Prosecutor's Office' => 'Odeljenje za odnose sa javnošću',
'Title' => 'Naslov',
'To' => '',
'Tuzilaštvo' => 'Tužilaštvo',
'Unesite kod' => '',
'Unesite parametre za pretragu i kliknite Prikaži' => '',
'Upcoming events' => 'Najave događaja',
'Upisnik' => '',
'Url' => '',
'Uspešno ste poslali poruku' => '',
'Uspešno ste poslali zahtev' => '',
'Uspešno ste se prijavili' => '',
'Već ste prijavljeni' => '',
'Your message' => 'Vaša poruka',
'Za izabrane kriterijume ne postoji nijedan zapis u bazi' => '',
'Zahtev nije prosleđen' => '',
'\n' => '',
'' => '',
'corruption' => '',
'daily' => '',
'download' => 'Preuzmite',
'' => '',
'highlighted' => 'istaknuto',
'image' => 'Slika',
'informe' => '',
'' => '',
'main' => 'glavno',
'monthly' => '',
'printData.image' => '',
'public' => '',
'question' => '',
'read more' => 'Detaljnije',
'' => '',
'ĆIR' => ''
$config = '_cake_core_'
$settings = array(
'prefix' => '*****',
'engine' => 'Apc',
'path' => '/var/www/html/app/tmp/cache/persistent/',
'serialize' => false,
'duration' => (int) 10,
'probability' => (int) 100,
'groups' => array()
$success = false
Cache::write() - CORE/Cake/Cache/Cache.php, line 323
I18n::translate() - CORE/Cake/I18n/I18n.php, line 241
__ - CORE/Cake/basics.php, line 554
AppModel::__construct() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 100
ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php, line 174
AppModel::__construct() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Model/AppModel.php, line 334
ReflectionClass::newInstance() - [internal], line ??
ClassRegistry::init() - CORE/Cake/Utility/ClassRegistry.php, line 174
AppController::__get() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 553
AppController::setupPolyglot() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 375
AppController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/AppController.php, line 36
FrontController::beforeFilter() - ROOT/VectorCMS/Controller/FrontController.php, line 24
call_user_func - [internal], line ??
CakeEventManager::dispatch() - CORE/Cake/Event/CakeEventManager.php, line 244
Controller::startupProcess() - CORE/Cake/Controller/Controller.php, line 674
Dispatcher::_invoke() - CORE/Cake/Routing/Dispatcher.php, line 187